Projects and works
- Padova 2019. Analysis of the velocity field over a spillway with particle tracking technique (PTV).
- THE DYSCO (THErmo-fluid DYnamics of Solid fuels Conversion systems: Optimization strategies). Experimental and numerical investigation on the hydrodynamics of segregation inside fluidized bed (FB) gasifiers.
- SEDIPLAN-r. Bilancio e pianificazione del trasporto di sedimento nei corsi d’acqua dell’Alto Adige: dalla mitigazione del rischio alla riqualificazione ambientale
- LTFD (Laboratory of Thermo-and-Fluidmechanics). Building of new facilities for lab scaled experiments on WSS, FB gasifiers, turbines and channel flow.
- Turb_Hydro (Turbines Hydrodynamics). Experimental and numerical study of the hydro power plants’ turbines to optimize the efficiency of the energy production.
- SEDIPLAN-r: sediment flushing from dam in Rienza river
- Hymocares: sediment flushing from dam in Avisio river
- SHE (Seasonal Hydrological …)
- TESES-URB (Techno-Economic methodologies to investigate Sustainable Energy Scenarios at Urban level)
- DIADEM (Data driven Anomaly Detection for sustainable water and Energy smart grids Management)